Institutionalized Employer Collective Action: The case of Denmark

Research output: Working paper

Recent studies show that employer associations continue to exist in new ways despite internationalisation of the economy, liberalisation of markets and the decline of trade unions. This paradox raises two questions regarding EOs in today’s labour markets: Which employers join employer associations and what kind of services do EOs offer employers? This article explores these questions using two comprehensive surveys on EOs in Denmark – a prominent case of coordinated market economies. The main finding of the analyses is that collective activities vis-à-vis trade unions and government are still important but that individual and selective goods are just as important for recruitment and retention of members. The most important predictor of EO-membership is the existence of a collective agreement. Local union power and representation is not significant which supports the idea that EOs are a conservative force in sustaining collective bargaining systems.
Translated title of the contributionArbejsgivers institutionalisering af kollektiv handlen: Casen Danmark
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages29
Publication statusPublished - 16 Sep 2016

ID: 172757939