After the storm: Translating the US Capitol storming in Germany’s right-wing digital media ecosystem

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This study investigates the translational practices of far-right activists in Germany through content analysis of storytelling about the January 6 storming of the US Capitol in influential German alternative news websites. Findings reveal how far-right commentators used their intermediary position to re-narrate, translate, and convert ‘mainstream’ accounts of an exceptionally contentious event into stories supporting far-right- wing and extremist identities. Re-narrations of January 6 events characterized protesters as victim-heroes and contrasted them with the true villains responsible for the chaos and violence, which included a broad spectrum of political actors on the ideological left writ large.
Original languageEnglish
JournalTranslation in Society
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)83 - 104
Publication statusPublished - 2022

    Research areas

  • Faculty of Social Sciences - digital media, ideology, social movements, far right, translation, mobilization, narratives

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ID: 290726016