Global Challenges, Local Solutions? - Rethinking Professional Work in a World of Transnational Jurisdictions

The overall purpose of this research project was to address a central and still unsettled problem in contemporary sociology: how to account for the interplay of transnational professionals and the organization of professional knowledge at national and local levels.



(Summary in Danish below)

The project aimed to empirically explore and theoretically explain how the making and dissemination of transnational standards is linked to the way professional groups in the Danish context propose and sustain solutions to large-scale challenges of climate change, low economic growth rates, and chronic lifestyle diseases.

Our distinct contribution was to develop a ‘cross-jurisdictional’ (cf. Abbott 1988) model and approach which allowed us to advance the understanding of how professional groups drive local-national governance engagements with urgent global challenges.




Articles in scientific journals

Trans-local professional projects: Re-scaling the linked ecology of expert jurisdictions
Anders Blok, Maria Duclos Lindstrøm, Marie Leth Meilvang, Inge Kryger Pedersen, Trans-local professional projects: Re-scaling the linked ecology of expert jurisdictions, Journal of Professions and Organization, Volume 5, Issue 2, July 2018, Pages 106–122

Ecologies of Boundaries: Modes of Boundary Work in Professional Proto‐Jurisdictions
Blok, A., Lindstrøm, M.D., Meilvang, M.L. and Pedersen, I.K. (2019), Ecologies of Boundaries: Modes of Boundary Work in Professional Proto‐Jurisdictions. Symbolic Interaction, 42: 588-617.

At søge indsigt på tværs - Hvordan og hvorfor sammenligne forskelligartede professionsfelter?
Pedersen, I., Blok, A., & Meilvang, M. (2020). At søge indsigt på tværs. Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier, 16(30), 50-61. 

On Comparative Methodologies, or, How Professional Ecologies Vary
Blok, A. (2020). On Comparative Methodologies, or, How Professional Ecologies Vary. Professions and Professionalism, 10(2).

Det proto-jurisdiktionelle sprog - Begrebernes rolle i inter-professionelt samarbejde og konflikt
Meilvang, M., & Blok, A. (2019). Det proto-jurisdiktionelle sprog. Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier, 15(28), 6-17.

The practice of jurisdictionalizing: How engineers use documents to shape and maintain professional authority
Meilvang ML. The practice of jurisdictionalizing: How engineers use documents to shape and maintain professional authority. The Sociological Review. 2020;68(1):77-93.

Situating Boundary Work: Chronic Disease Prevention in Danish Hospitals
Pedersen, I. K. (2020). Situating Boundary Work: Chronic Disease Prevention in Danish Hospitals. Professions and Professionalism, 10(1).

Other articles

New Professional Projects in the Glocal Welfare State?
Article by Anders Blok, Inge Kryger Pedersen, Marie Leth Meilvang and Maria Duclos Lindstrøm in Discover Society.






Postdoc Maria Duclos Lindstrøm and PhD Student Marie Leth Meilvang contributed to the project as employees at the Department of Sociology.

The project was anchored at the Center for the Sociological Study of Science, Expertise and Society, CEVES, headed by Anders Blok.






Professionernes rolle i en transnational verden er under forandring, og formålet med dette projekt var at forstå og forklare denne forandring i professionelle arbejdsformer og social organisering, lokalt og globalt.

Sociologisk forskning har længe vist, at fremkomsten af de klassiske professioner (jurister, læger, ingeniører osv.) følger de moderne nationalstaters historie. Via specialiseret viden har professionerne løst vægtige samfundsopgaver og er til gengæld blevet belønnet med autonomi og monopoler.

Dette projekt undersøgte, hvordan professionsbegrebet udfordres og udvides af nye globale markeds- og styringsmekanismer. Nye professionelle aktører opstår på det transnationale niveau, knyttet til internationale organisationer som OECD og WHO og organiseret i netværk omkring standarder for god praksis. Hypotesen er, at sådanne netværk og standarder har stor betydning for samfundets kapacitet til at adressere grænseoverskridende udfordringer: omkring klimaforandringer, økonomisk lavvækst og truende livsstilssygdomme må nye løsningsmodeller udvikles af – eller i samspil med – den professionelle ekspertise.

Modsat eksisterende forskning på området tog dette projekt afsæt i en dansk organisatorisk kontekst og undersøgte her samspillet mellem transnationale og lokale professionelle praksisser og løsningsmodeller på tværs af tre stærkt globaliserede problemfelter: afværgelse af klimaforandringer, fremme af økonomisk innovation samt forebyggelse af livsstilssygdomme.






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Inge Kryger Pedersen Associate Professor +4535323229 E-mail

Funded by:

Danish Council for Independent Research

Global Challenges, Local Solutions? - Rethinking Professional Work in a World of Transnational Jurisdictions has received funding from Danish Council for Independent Research.

Project: Global Challenges, Local Solutions? - Rethinking Professional Work in a World of Transnational Jurisdictions
Period:  2016-2020

Formerly empoyed on the project:

Name Title Phone E-mail
Anders Blok Professor
Maria Duclos Lindstrøm Postdoc
Marie Leth Meilvang PhD Student