15 May 2020

How We Tweet About Coronavirus, and Why

Researches from Center for Social Data Science (SODAS), Anthropology and Sociology have contributed to the website Somatospherehiatry with the article 'How We Tweet About Coronavirus, and Why: A Computational Anthropological Mapping of Political Attention on Danish Twitter during the COVID-19 Pandemic'.

The article is written by Assistant Professor Samantha Dawn Breslin, Department of Anthropology/SODAS, PhD student Thyge Ryom Enggaard, SODAS, Associate Professor Anders Blok, Department of Sociology/SODAS, Academic Project Assistant Tobias Gårdhus, SODAS, and Professor Morten Axel Pedersen, Department of Anthropology/SODAS.

The article explores the pitfalls and possibilities of a computational anthropology, which combines both computational analyses and insights from a more ethnographic approach, building on research from anthropology, science & technology studies (STS), and sociology. The researchers use this combination to understand public discourse and affect in the Danish Twitter landscape in relation to COVID-19, building on work performed together in the interdisciplinary Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS). 

Read the full article on the website of Somatosphere.

Somatosphere is a collaborative website covering the intersections of medical anthropology, science and technology studies, cultural psychiatry, psychology and bioethics.