Department Seminar: Disentangling the Drivers of Grading Bias: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

Speaker: Anders Hjorth-Trolle
Speaker: Anders Hjorth-Trolle

Anders Hjorth-Trolle is a researcher at the Rockwool Foundation with a PhD in  Sociology from the University of Copenhagen studying inequality and quantitative methods. Anders’ work investigates family processes, labor markets and inequality, parental investments in children, social mobility and stratification, and the sociology of education using a variety of econometric methods and causal modeling. 

Speaker: Asta Breinholt
Speaker: Asta Breinholt

Asta Breinholt is an Assistant Professor in Social Studies at Roskilde University with a PhD in Sociology from the University of Copenhagen studying the consequences and reproduction of social inequality. Asta’s work covers the parenting and educational performance outcomes of socioeconomic inequality and how parenting and resources mediate genetic effects on educational success using quantitative methods for causal analysis and large-scale data sets.

All members of the department and research staff from across the faculty are invited to attend. Please navigate the
calendar on the Department and Sociology's website to find upcoming Department Seminars.