Nicole Doerr
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
Øster Farimagsgade 5
1353 København K
Primary fields of research
Doerr joined the University of Copenhagen in 2016 from Massachusetts where she held previous positions at Harvard University (Democracy Postdoc, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation) and as an Assistant Professor of International Relations at Mount Holyoke College. Doerr did her Marie Curie fellowship at UC Irvine (Department of Sociology and Center for the Study of Democracy). Doerr has been chairing the European Sociological Association Resarch Network on Collective Behavior and Social Movements (with Emanuela Bozzini) and the Council of European Studies Network on International Migration Research (with Gökce Yurdakul and Anna Korteweg).
At the University of Copenhagen, Doerr founded and directs the CoMMonS Research Center at the Department of Sociology. Doerr is also a member of the Research Group on Culture and Civil Society.
Doerr has supervised the following EU-funded postdoc projects:
Marie Curie Postdoc Project of Prof. Dr. Kamran Khan, Associate Professor in Language, Social Justice, and Education, Director of MOSAIC, University of Birmingham, Marie Curie fellow at University of Copenhagen, 2021-2023.
Marie Curie Postdoc Project of Dr. Malgorzata Kurjanska, current Postdoctoral researcher, University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology.
EU-Chanse Postdoc project Dr. María Florencia Langa, University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology, ongoing.
EU-Norface Postdoc project Prof. Dr. Eva Svatonova, Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, UJEP, Norface-postdoc at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology, 2022-2023.
EU-Norface Postdoc project collaborator Dr. Beth Gardner, University of Copenhagen, Department of Sociology, 2019-2021.
Doerr is PI on the following EU-and BMBF-research projects:
2022-2025 Principle Investigator, CHANSE-Horizon Europe Project “PolarVis: Visual Persuasion in a Transforming Europe”
2019-23 Principle Investigator, Horizon Europe-NORFACE Democratic Governance in a Turbulent Age Programme: ExId Project: "Extreme Identities" computer based analysis of digital storytelling of European Far-Right Online Communities’ Politics of Identity
2020-2021 Principle Investigator, BMBF funded Project Visual Storytelling and Global Far Right Digital Mobilisation. Käthe-Hamburger Senior-Rearch Project, GCR21, University of Duisburg.
2016-18 Principle Investigator, Horizon Europe co-fund Project "Translate Diversity" Voices, solidarity, and political claims by female and LGBTQI refugees in public debates about gender and migration" (EU-IPODI), in cooperation with Sabine Hark, TU Berlin.
2010-13 International Outgoing Fellowship, Marie Curie Postdoc "Translate Democracy" (EU-FP7-IOF), in cooperation with Francesca Polletta, University of California, Irvine.
- Nicole Doerr, Translating Rights of Nature and Hope for Planetary Transition: Climate Activists as Intersectional Brokers connecting Translocal Publics. Cambridge Elements Manuscript under preparation.
- Nicole Doerr, 2018. Political Translation—How Social Movement Democracies Survive. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press. Contentious Politics Series.
- Nicole Doerr, Alice Mattoni and Simon Teune. eds, 2013 Towards the Visual Analysis of Social Movements. Research Series on Conflict, Social Movements, and Political Change (3)35. Bingley: Emerald.
Special issues (editor)
- Beaman, J., Doerr, N., Kocyba, P., Lavizzari, A., & Zajak, S. (2023). Black Lives Matter and the new wave of anti-racist mobilizations in Europe. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 10(4), 497–507.
- Special issue “Visual intervention and the (re)enactment of democracy.”, co-edited by Nicole Doerr and Anna Schober, Visual Studies, published on Jan 2, 2024
- Special issue “Activism, Agency, and Acts of Translating Gendered Belongings and Concepts.” European Journal of Politics and Gender, 7:1 co-edited by Nicole Doerr and Susanne Zwingel, Jan 2024. Read the Introduction
Peer-reviewed journal articles (selection)
Doerr, Nicole, and María Florencia Langa 2024, 'Images of Nature in Online Climate Activism in Germany and Argentina: Science, Affect and Non-Human ‘Everybodies’', Journal for Development Studies, 39, 3-4, 33-64.
Doerr, Nicole (2024). Translation as a cultural tool for mediating conflict in queer and feminist grassroots democratic coalitions in Denmark, Germany and Sweden. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 7(1), 45-64.
- Nicole Doerr, and Eva Svatonova (2023a). “Despised, Feared, Emphasised or Hegemonic—Far Right Digital Images of Womanhood on US Telegram Channels” European Journal of Politics and Gender. open access here.
Nicole Doerr, and Janus Porsild Hansen (2024). “Climate translators” building trust and local democratic cooperation on green transition: Denmark and Germany. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Open access pre-print here. Online first.
- Nicole Doerr, with Eva Svatonova (2023b) “How Anti-LGBTQI* and Anti-Gender Imaginary Translate Great Replacement Theories Online” European Journal of Politics and Gender. Special Issue Activism, Agency, and Acts of Translating Gendered Belongings and Concepts. Open access here.
- Nicole Doerr, with Noa Milman, 2023. “Black Lives Matter, Citizenship, and Contentious Acts of Visibility by Ethnic Minorities in Denmark and Greenland.” European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology. Online first:
- Nicole Doerr, 2022 „Klimaschutz lokal vermitteln: zur Rolle zivilgesellschaftliche Klimaübersetzer:innen in Deutschland und Dänemark.“ Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Sonderheft zu Demokratie und Ökologie, April 2022. Open access.
- Nicole, with Sarah Awad, Doerr, and Anita Nissen (2022). ‘Far-right boundary construction toward the “other”: Visual communication of the Danish People’s Party on social media.’ British Journal of Sociology, 1–21. Open access.
- Nicole Doerr, and Beth Gardner, 2022. “After the storm: Translating the US Capitol storming in Germany’s right-wing digital media ecosystem', Translation in Society,1,1, 83 - 104. Open access preprint
- Nicole Doerr, 2021. “The Visual Politics of the Alternative for Germany (AfD): Anti-Islam, Ethno-Nationalism, and Gendered Images.” Social Sciences, 10(1), 20. Open access:
- Nicole Doerr, with Hjalmar Bang Carlsen, and Jonas Toubol. 2020. “Inequality in interaction: scene styles of equalizing the helper-recipient relationship in voluntary empowerment projects” Voluntas.
- Nicole Doerr. 2019. “Von diskursiver Marginalisierung zu politischer Teilhabe? Politische Übersetzung und Migrant:innenbewegungen in kalifornischen Städten/Kommunen.“ Forschungsjournal soziale Bewegungen, 32(3), 379–393.
- Nicole Doerr. 2017. “Bridging language barriers, bonding against immigrants: A visual case study of transnational network publics created by far-right activists in Europe” Discourse and Society 28(1): 3-23. Open access.
- Nicole Doerr. 2017. “How right-wing vs. cosmopolitan actors mobilize and translate images of immigrants in transnational contexts” Visual Studies, 16: 3, 315-336. Preprint . - Nicole Doerr. 2013. Between Habermas and Rancière: The Democracy of Translation. Transversal (6) 13, [Special issue ‘Europe—A community that cannot speak’]. Open access.
- Nicole Doerr. 2012. “Translating democracy: how activists in the European Social Forums practice multilingual deliberation.” European Political Science Review, 4(3), 361–384.
- Nicole Doerr. 2011. “The Disciplining of Dissent, and the Role of Empathetic Listeners in Deliberative Politics” Globalizations 2011 (3) 519-534.
- Nicole Doerr. 2010. “Politicizing Precarity, Producing Visual Dialogues on Migration: Transnational Public Spaces in Social Movements.” Forum Qualitative Social Research 11(2). Open access:
- Nicole Doerr. 2009. “Language and Democracy in Movement.” Social Movement Studies 8 (2) 149-165.
- Nicole Doerr. 2008. “Deliberative discussion, language, and efficiency in the World Social Forum process.” Mobilization 13(4): 395-410.
- Nicole Doerr. 2007. “Is ‘another’ public space actually possible? Deliberative Democracy and the Case of ‘Women Without.’ Journal of International Women’s Studies 8(3): 71-87.
- Massimiliano Andretta and Nicole Doerr. 2007.“Internal and external NGOs at the European crossroad.” European Foreign Affairs Review 12, (3). 385-40.
- Alice Mattoni, and Nicole Doerr. 2007. “Images within the precarity movement.” Feminist Review 87 (4):130-5.
Contributions to edited volumes (selection)
- Nicole Doerr, with Noa Milman, 2023. “Black Lives Matter and Anti-Racist Mobilisations in Europe – A Visual Perspective” in Handbook of Progressive Politics. Alice Mattoni (ed). Routledge. Forthcoming.
- Nicole Curato, and Nicole Doerr. 2022. “Ethnography.” Methodological Approaches in Deliberative Democracy. Selen A. Ercan, Nicole Curato, Hans Asenbaum, and Ricardo Mendoza, (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Noa Milman, and Nicole Doerr, 2022. “Visual Analysis” Oxford Handbook of Political Participation” Mario Giugni and Maria Grasso eds. Oxford University Press. Preprint.
- Nicole Doerr. 2019. “Activists as political translators? Addressing structural inequality and positional misunderstandings in refugee solidarity coalitions in Germany and Denmark.” In Irvine, J, S. Lang, & C. Montoya (Eds.), Gendered mobilizations and intersectional challenges: Contemporary social movements in Europe and North America London: Rowman & Littlefield. Pp. 189–207. Link.
- Nicole Doerr. 2020. “Social Movements and Translation” In: The Politics of Translation in International Relations. Maj Grasten, Zeynep Gülşah Çapan, & Filipe Dos Reis (eds.). Springer Verlag.
- Nicole Doerr. 2020. “Political translation and civic translation capacities for democracy in post-migrant societies.” Oxford Handbook on Translation and Society edited by Christine Chi. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Donatella della Porta and Nicole Doerr. “Deliberation and Protest.”, Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy edited by John Dryzek, Jane Mansbridge, André Bächtiger and Mark Warren. Pp: 636-62.
- Nicole Doerr and Noa Milman. 2018. “Protest” in Roland Bleiker, ed, Visual Global Politics. London: Routledge. Pp. 233-236.
- Nicole Doerr. 2018. “Translation and Democracy.” In: Routledge Handbook on Translation and Politics. Jonathan Evans and Fruela Fernandez Pp: 63-78.
- Nicole Doerr, Alice Mattoni and Simon Teune. 2015. “Visuals in social movements.” In Oxford Handbook Research in Social Movements edited by Donatella della Porta and Mario Diani.
- Flam, Helena, and Nicole Doerr, 2015. Visuals and Emotions in Social Movements. Methods of Exploring Emotions. editor / Helena Flam ; Jochen Kleres. Routledge.
- Nicole Doerr, and Noa Milman. 2013. “Visual Analysis” Oxford Handbook on Methodological Practices of Social Movement Research” ed Donatella della Porta. Oxford University Press. Link.
- Jackie Smith and Nicole Doerr, 2011. “Democracy in the US and German Social Forums” in Handbook of the World Social Forums. Jackie Smith et al. (eds.) Paradigm.
Doerr was a visiting professor at the following institutions:
2023 Visiting Professor, Goethe Universität & PRIF, Excellence Cluster Initiative ConTrust—Trust in Conflict
2021 Senior Fellow, Käthe Hamburger Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg
2019 Visiting Professor, Göteborg University, Department of Sociology and Department of Global Studies (short term)
ID: 164255687
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Political translation: How social movement democracies survive
Research output: Book/Report › Book › Research › peer-review
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Inequality in interaction: Equalising the helper-recipient relationship in the refugee solidarity movement
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Fashion in Social Movements
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