Gregor Schäfer

Gregor Schäfer


I work at the Department of Sociology as a postdoctoral researcher in the project "SkillsINCORP – ensuring retention of high-skilled professionals in Denmark" in which I explore how high-skilled migrants socially incorporate themselves and get incorporated in Greater Copenhagen. I do this empirically with a longitudinal set of qualitative interviews with high-skilled migrants and their families collected over the course of one year.

Beyond my research interest in migration and migrants, I am also engaged in sociological research work in the areas of higher education, social inquality, social theory, mobility, European studies. In terms of theory, I am especially interested in Bourdieusian theory, Critical Realism and approaches with focus on meso-micro links. I am interested in qualitative empirical research with focus on narrative and problem-centred interviews, but also other forms of interviews and qualitative instruments that can be utilised in life course research such as diaries and mapping.


ID: 337041243