Marie Ryberg

Marie Ryberg

Assistant Professor

I am a social anthropologist specializing in educational politics, working at the intersections of science, education, and governance. At the heart of my research lies an interest in how educational institutions regulate the thoughts and actions of populations and individuals.

My work combines ethnographic and historical approaches to illuminate the consequences of historical transformations, socio-material organization, and social interactions for processes of education, teaching, and learning.

In my research project "Reinventing Research-Based Education in the University," I explore the relationship between research and teaching in Danish higher education since the 1990s and its transformations in response to recent organizational and technological changes. See more here.

My PhD research investigated the politics and history surrounding the governance of interdisciplinary education in Danish high schools, and its connections to the ways disciplinary divides have been critiqued in the social and natural sciences since WW2.

Currently, I teach on university pedagogy, research-based teaching, and supervision. My teaching experience also includes qualitative methods, organization and management, and sociological approaches to communication and science and technology studies.


ID: 252285296